Comprehensive strategic marketing and advertising on the Internet

Who is an internet marketer and what does he do? How does marketing work?

An internet marketer is a digital internet marketing specialist who is responsible for the processes of customer interactions with a business. He helps to increase demand for business products and services, increase the number of applications or orders through various tools and techniques.

Let’s consider the example of a customer journey map, where along the route of the customer, the Internet marketer is engaged in the design of the “marketing funnel” or sales funnel. This process can also be characterized as the construction of “Hunt’s Ladder of Recognition”.

A map of the customer journey. “Hunt’s Ladder.

The customer/client journey is the process by which a potential customer learns about and interacts with a company or its products/services. This journey can be different for each customer, and companies strive to provide a positive and seamless experience at every stage to attract and retain customers.

The standard process of selecting and purchasing goods and services looks like this:

I stage


II stage


III stage


IV stage


V stage


Emergence of need.

This is the initial stage, the customer forms a need for something and thinks about how to get it. He may already know about you if you have considered and added information to the channel your customer can use. Customers learn about your business, product or service through various channels such as advertising, word of mouth, search engines or social media.


Finding ways to fulfill the need.

The client is looking for ways to fulfill the need based on his criteria. He studies the market and the possible options to achieve his goal. Customers often do research to get more information about offers. They compare alternatives, look at information, read reviews, and look for recommendations.


Selection and purchase, of a service or product.

The customer chooses a way to fulfill a need based on their criteria and preferences. Once the customer has made the decision to move forward, they make the actual purchase. This can be an online transaction, a visit to a physical store, or a transactional process with a company representative.


Use of the purchased product or service.

At this stage, the customer actively uses the purchased product or service and gains experience from interacting with the service or product.


A certain experience is formed.

After the need is realized, the customer has a certain experience. If a customer has a positive experience with your product or service, they may become a repeat customer. Satisfied customers can become advocates for your business by recommending your products to others.


Marketing funnel

Standard process for informing customers about products, goods and services:

I stage

представленность товаров и услуг в каналах где есть ваш покупатель


II stage

текстовая и визуальная упаковка товаров и услуг с учетом потребностей и критерий клиентов


III stage

доступность товара или услуги для приобретения покупателем


IV stage

Обслуживание клиента после покупки, информирование, оказание дополнительных услуг и продаж товаров


V stage


представленность товаров и услуг в каналах где есть ваш покупательPresenting products and services in channels where your customer is in an understandable form for the customer.

текстовая и визуальная упаковка товаров и услуг с учетом потребностей и критерий клиентов

Text and visual packaging of goods and services, taking into account the needs and selection criteria of customers. It is created taking into account the portrait of the target customer.

Packaging implies a description of the product that will be understandable to your target audience. Text description, visual image, video, addressed to your target audience, which will be able to perceive these materials and choose you.

доступность товара или услуги для приобретения покупателемThe availability of a product or service for purchase by a customer according to the place and time of purchase.

Post-purchase customer service, informing, providing additional services and sales.

Обновление и новые продажиUpdating of services, products and goods Reminder of oneself, offer to repeat the experience gained. Expansion of representation in the “line”.

Based on this data, it can be concluded that:

The main goals and objectives of an internet marketer are to determine:

1) Who is the customer and where are they at different points in time and at different stages of the buying journey?

shape it based on that:

2) How and what information should I present to him?

and determine:

3) Where to post information about your goods, products and services?

An integrated marketing approach is to build a long-term strategy based on data and follow it, tracking key metrics and adjusting as needed.

Find out who your customers are and what they want, how you can meet their needs at a free consultation, or via messenger: